Part 22: Let Me Ask You A Quasar
Sup nerds, today we're goin into a mountain that you can only access through what looks like a slatted wooden door.
First we gotta activate the person that gives us the key item to open said door! I can't remember the last time I tried to do Mt. Zozo and didn't forget to go to Maranda first.
Yo that's a lot of flowers for a world that doesn't seem capable of growing much. Speaking of, what are all these people eating, just monster meat?
We send a letter off on this bird but we don't get an item this time. I don't feel rewarded for my time invested!
Lufia II Rise of the Sinistrals - The Land Nobody Knew/The Lost World
Behold, the only location in the entire world to have weather!
With 360 HP, these packs are nothing. Actually, I can't remember if Zozo in vanilla WoR gets updated enemies or still has the old ones.
Text file says this guy is also in the Magitek Factory so I guess they're the same enemies as WoB. Too bad for them!
291 HP and Exploder; could've maybe been an issue in the WoB but there were only two to a pack so at least they couldn't have wiped me.
Attack x4 AND Dread, which inflicts Petrify on their target. Still reasonably nasty, since I don't have a lot of Soft items with me.
Finally, a real dungeon! It's pretty short but almost always pretty rough. Someone call Shantotto to make that a rhyme, I'm busy.
Thosh posted:
SPECIAL "Kiss Face": attack x6 (unblockable)
SKILLS: Diffuser, El Nino
These awful attacks aren't what I'm worried about in this fight though the idea of a giant wasp trying to kiss my face is disconcerting.
It's this:
More god damned throwers, that absorb enough elements with enough HP to make them not easily killed. I can Confuse them with Ukyo's Noiseblaster but they don't throw when Confused so it still takes forever.
9293 HP and apparently these assholes were on the Floating Continent? Some hellacious attack power as well, glad I skipped over that.
Oh boy a treasure chest!
Oh nooooooooo
I'm sure everything will be alright, I've got a pretty good amount of power and support in this group.
OK maybe the problem was just that Fuuko chose a shitty rage that gave them Imp status.
Hmm... no that wasn't it.
Alright...alright this is fine. I can persevere. Let me just re-finagle my gear.
Ha HA! Sorry Zepeli, I only had two Absorbs Water items.
Watch me kick a dragon's teeth in.
Not literally of course, because Chain Saw never does what you want.
Fuuko throwing themselves at the dragon and Ukyo using Drill instead of Chainsaw do pretty well. I'm lucky this dragon doesn't absorb fire or Fuuko would be a severe handicap.
Ukyo has Interceptor status! Thanks little doggo!
Once again, Fuuko is my best character in a fight. Who could have guessed?
You son of a bitch!
And stay dead!
Storm Drgn (Level 74)
| HP: 65535 | ATK: 24 | SPD: 70 |
| MP: 2209 | DEF: 135 | HIT: 132 |
| XP: 0 | MPOW: 16 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 0 | MDEF: 195 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: pearl, water
VULNERABLE: blind, float, haste, image, protect, reflect, regen, seizure, shell, vanish
AUTO: float, reraise
OTHER: can't escape
SPECIAL "DreadSobat": stop
SKILLS: Aero, Cyclonic, Quasar, Water Edge
LORE: Aero, Quasar
STEAL: Thunder Shld, Magus Rod
DROPS: Magus Rod, Thunder Shld
LOCATION: Monster-in-a-Box
This lil fella isn't even supposed to show up in this location but here we are. Thanks for the Magic Points, sucker!
Alright there's no way these are real flowers, they gotta be silk or something. And seriously, does no one ever eat food except the ghosts on the Phantom Train?
Who knew skeletons had such range of emotion?
Yikes. Kirin + Confusion is not good. Kirin grants Regen to the party (near useless) and Confusion will Confuse all enemies if they aren't immune. I already have Noiseblaster for that. Hopefully they can equip some good Espers to take advantage of that high Magic Power.
They can't equip any Espers at all.
Right, so we don't end the update on a total disappointment, I have one more thing to do!
We're gonna (eventually) kill a flying rat!
Watch a supercut of all the battles I did to take them down. This includes the fights where I did stupid things like some kind of incompetent moron.
This is what I should have been doing the whole time. Serena has ?-Aero. This could've ended in two fights instead of five.
Kinda like this!
Doom Gaze (Level 68)
| HP: 65535 | ATK: 55 | SPD: 118 |
| MP: 57921 | DEF: 184 | HIT: 239 |
| XP: 0 | MPOW: 16 | EVD: 57 |
| GP: 0 | MDEF: 201 | MBLK: 59 |
NULLIFY: ice, bolt, wind, water
VULNERABLE: float, regen, vanish
AUTO: float, interceptor, morph, regen, vanish
OTHER: dies at MP zero
SPECIAL "Seed Dig": poison
SKILLS: Aero, Doom, Escape, Flare, Ice 3, Reflect???, S. Cross
LORE: Aero, Reflect???
Alright, Bahamut is typically a very strong Esper and whatever it teaches will be way better than the airship janitor that is Naru.
Mithril Mail (Chainsaw chest)
Sky Render
Genji Shld
Thunder Shield
Please VOTE for which location we should aim for next from this list:
Owzer's House
Doma Castle - Since I have no idea what Magitek Armor skills are in this game, I will be taking Zepeli to this place. They are our Terra replacement and so will have all eight available Magitek skills instead of just four.
Phoenix Cave - If you vote for this place, please also VOTE for which THREE characters I should NOT take.
Ancient Castle
Unless the next location is a huge update, I'll probably tack Hidon onto the end/beginning of it.
Fanatic's Tower is still off limits because I need our Relm replacement to snag the Strago replacement there.
Please ALSO VOTE for the four characters we will bring with us, with any changes that are noted above.
Voting will end on SUNDAY, October 20th, 2019.